Piano Class Puchong

Piano Playing Exercise Method for Junior Pianist
The new revised edition of the Grade 2 book contains a step-by-step guide for each concept, then general exercises for the evaluation and reinforcement of these concepts, and finally some sample test papers so you can be certain of success before entering your student.
Me and My Piano is the best-selling series by the distinguished authors Fanny Waterman and Marion Harewood, that has sold over 2 million copies worldwide. Designed especially for the needs of the younger beginner and delightfully illustrated throughout, the series makes learning the piano an enjoyable experience for both pupil and teacher.

The Step 2 Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develop musicianship, finger technique (strength, independence, dynamic, graduation, recognition of basic key concepts etc.

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The Step 1~3 of Step series, hopes to provide a very sound foundation for reading, understanding and position shifts. It enables teachers to develop musicianship, finger technique (strength, independence, dynamic, graduation, recognition of basic key concepts etc.

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Modern Course Grade 2 continues the progress of the Modern Course Grade 1 and features original compositions and classic well-arranged favorites by Thompson like Country Gardens, Bill Grogan's Goat, Starlight Waltz, and Jocularity!

HighlightSeries: Willis

Publisher: Willis Music

Format: Softcover

Author: John Thompson

The legendary Modern Course series provides a clear and complete foundation in the study of the piano that enables the student to think and feel musically.


Highlight:- Contains Kohler's practice suggestions from the original edition. An excellent choice for a first etude book.
John Thompson's Modern Course for the Piano The Third Grade Book Something New Every Lesson

The 2nd Edition Level 1 Lesson Book introduces all the notes of the grand staff, elementary chord playing, and the concept of tonic and dominant notes. Students play in varied positions, reinforcing reading skills and recognizing intervals through the 5th. Musicianship is built with the introduction of legato and staccato touches.

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Arranged by Vince de Leon. Learn to play a song in more than one way.